Friday, November 18, 2011

What did I do when I was 12?

So a little while ago, I was on and I came upon this interesting video. If your wondering what is, ted stand for "Technology Entertainment and Design," its a global conference held by the Sapling Foundation. The ted conferences usually host speakers like Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Al Gore, Larry Page and Sergio Brin founders of Google, noble prize winners, and many others. Their focus for the conference usually is surrounded around technology and culture.

The video that I have linked below is about Thomas Suarez, his a 12 year old apple app. developer. Yes you did read it right, it does say 12 years old.

After watching this it made me think of how much I haven't done anything with me life. At the age of 12, this kid taught himself programming and how to develop an app. Now his trying to teach kids at his school about developing apps. When I was 12, I'm pretty sure all I was doing was watching television and trying to just barely pass in school. I'm 23 and just learning the python programming language in my programming class in college and this kid learned python on his own.

I want to dislike this kid so much, but then it just makes me dislike how lazy I've been for the past 23 years of my life. At the same time I feel like I've accomplished nothing in my life, this kid gives me inspiration. If I really want something, I just need to work hard and push myself.

God Bless

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